5th grade Hearing and Vision screenings today! #dewey45
over 4 years ago, Melanie Rucker
Hearing Screening
Vision screening
It is flu shot time! Permission forms were sent home last week and are due this Friday, October 18. The shots/mist will be given by Hedrick Medical Center and Livingston County Health Department. The vaccine is highly recommended. If you sent the form back and want to make sure it has reached Nurse Teresa’s office, please call the school to check.
over 4 years ago, Melanie Rucker
Flu permission
Flu information
This cool kid celebrated his hard work and perseverance on his Math test with the office. 100% is fun to talk about! #dewey45
over 4 years ago, Melanie Rucker
Math celebration!
Dewey is so appreciative of all of our parents. Your support of the children inside and outside of the school setting does not go unnoticed. Our Parent Prize went to Mike Tipton this morning and Jessie Leppin a couple weeks ago! #dewey45
over 4 years ago, Melanie Rucker
Jessie and Ezra
Mike and Maddox
4th grade Celebration of Writing! #dewey45
over 4 years ago, Melanie Rucker
Writers cafe
Writers cafe
When Coach Coult is gone, Mrs. Graupman is teaching PE and a student gets the scooter stuck in the net! It is all laughs! #dewey45
over 4 years ago, Melanie Rucker
Mrs. Graupman at work!
Scooter hockey
Scooter hockey
5th grade Math has us like 🤪. Love the perseverance of the children we reach each day! #dewey#45
over 4 years ago, Melanie Rucker
The day of learning has begun for #dewey45
over 4 years ago, Melanie Rucker
Dewey teachers rock!
LEGO table at recess is the best! #dewey45
over 4 years ago, Melanie Rucker
LEGO table designs.
Fundraising University details attached. Please note the process for online ordering! Delivery is November 19!
over 4 years ago, Melanie Rucker
Fundraising U details
Fundraising University kickoff today! The excitement is in the air! #dewey45
over 4 years ago, Melanie Rucker
Fundraising U
Fundraising U
Dewey Parent Prize Patrol recipient is Andrea Englert! Our parents are stars! #dewey45
over 4 years ago, Melanie Rucker
Prize Parent!
Health lessons at Dewey on the skeletal system. #dewey45
over 4 years ago, Melanie Rucker
4th, 5th and 6th graders begin STEAM Club together today! #dewey45
over 4 years ago, Melanie Rucker
Stinger Singers rehearsal begins this Friday. Practices are 3:30 -4:00.
over 4 years ago, Melanie Rucker
Rehearsal dates
5th graders spent time today at CES with their 1st grade Reading Buddies. The connections made will last a lifetime! #dewey45
over 4 years ago, Melanie Rucker
Reading Buddies
Reading Buddies
Reading Buddies
Reading Buddies
Good luck to the CHS Hornets from Dewey Elementary. #dewey45
over 4 years ago, Melanie Rucker
Good luck from Dewey!
Go Hornets
Homecoming Week Elementary style. Wacky Wednesday was a hit! #dewey45
over 4 years ago, Melanie Rucker
Wacky Wednesday
Student centered studies underway. #dewey45
over 4 years ago, Melanie Rucker
Student centered studies
Student centered studies
Dewey Elementary’s Stinger Singer auditions are this week. Please encourage your child to participate in this after school, 3:30-4:00 program. Please note the day your child should audition. #dewey45
over 4 years ago, Melanie Rucker
Stinger Singer